Dein Halt bei Gewalt
wenn Sport kein Safe Space mehr ist
Unabhängige Ansprechstelle für Betroffene
sexualisierter, psychischer und physischer Gewalt im Sport“My team and I offer a support service that is unique in Germany – Your SUPPORT in case of violence. Our goal is for as many active and former athletes as possible to find out about it.”
Ina Lambert (Management)

Safe Sport e.V.
On May 25, 2022, the Federal Government, the states and organized sports unanimously agreed on the establishment of a registered association as the organising body of the point of contact for victims of sexualized, psychological and physical violence.
The association was founded at the Conference of Sports Ministers on November 3, 2022.
The founding members are the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community, the 16 federal states, Athleten Deutschland e.V., a representative from the council of affected people of the office “Independent Commissioner for Questions of Sexual Child Abuse (UBSKM)” and a representative from science.
Vorstandsmitglieder des Vereins sind:

Gitta Schwarz
(from the circle of those affected)
“Affected people need a place – away from the crime scene of sports” – where they are believed unconditionally, which can offer a protected space and which provides independent advice.”

Prof. Dr. Ilse Hartmann-Tews
(from science)
“Studies show that disclosing interpersonal violence within sports structures is nearly impossible – that’s why I’m involved with Safe Sport e.V.”